PenPals for Handwriting Intervention Book 2 (Securing the joins and legibility)


Format:Spiral bound
Author(s):Gill Budgell, Kate Ruttle

Penpals for Handwriting is a complete handwriting scheme for 3–11 year olds.

The Penpals for Handwriting Intervention Book 2 is designed to identify and support children who need additional help and practice with legibility and securing joins. Children will revisit key learning from each term, offering additional opportunities for consolidation, assessment and revision. The book includes a series of baseline assessments with clear guidance and signposting for teachers on how to progress.


Can be used as a placement test for newly arrived children

Pinpoints specific handwriting issues that can be targeted and provides clear signposting on what to do next.

Provides unlimited opportunities for tracing and copying joins until the child can form them confidently.

Can be used flexibly to revisit content which should have be learned at an earlier stage, without the need to use books from earlier year groups which can impact on children's confidence.

Provides additional experience in key skills developed during the term/year.

Can be used to create a termly portfolio of improvement throughout the school.

Additional information

Weight 0.44 kg
Dimensions 20 × 15 × 0.2 cm