Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level History Digital Coursebook Option B: the 20th Century (2Yr)


Qualification:Cambridge IGCSE
Author(s):Paul Grey, Rosemarie Little, Robin Macpherson, John Etty, Graham Goodlad

Cambridge IGCSE® History Second edition for Option B: the 20th Century of the syllabus (0470)


Help your students take an enquiry-led approach to historical learning with Cambridge IGCSE® History. Full of activities and primary and secondary sources, this resource will encourage the application of historical skills and enable investigative questioning of cause and consequence. Fully endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations, the coursebook is written by a team of experienced teachers and provides comprehensive coverage of all of the Key Questions and four of the Depth Studies for syllabus Option B: the 20th Century.


  • Written by a team of experienced teachers to cover Option B: the 20th Century, for first examination from 2015.
  • All Key Questions of the Core content are comprehensively covered so students can feel confident and prepared.
  • Rigorous coverage of four of the Depth Studies is included - the First World War 1914-18, Germany 1918-45, Russia 1905-41 and the USA 1919-41 - providing teachers with variety and choice.
  • A wide range of primary and secondary sources to develop students’ analytical skills.
  • Activities throughout the chapters to encourage an exploratory and inquiring approach to historical learning.
  • Definitions of key terms displayed alongside relevant text to aid accessibility and support EAL learners.
  • Dedicated chapters for assessment preparation to help students reach their potential.


Section A: Core Content: Chapter 1. Key Question 1. Were the peace treaties of 1919-1923 fair?: 1.01. What were the motives and aims of the Big Three at Versailles?
1.02. Why did all the victors not get everything they wanted?
1.03. What was the impact of the peace treaty on Germany up to 1923?
1.04. What were the terms of the other peace treaties?
1.05. Could the treaties be justified at the time?
Chapter 2. Key Question 2. To what extent was the League of Nations a success?: 2.01. How successful was the League in the 1920s?
2.02. How far did weaknesses in the League's organisation make failure inevitable?
2.03. How far did the Depression make the work of the League more difficult?
2.04. How successful was the League in the 1930s?
Chapter 3. Key Question 3: Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?: 3.01. What were the long-term consequences of the peace treaties of 1919-1923?
3.02. What were the consequences of the failures of the League in the 1930s?
3.03. How far was Hitler's foreign policy to blame for the outbreak of war in 1939?
3.04. Was the policy of appeasement justified?
3.05. How important was the Nazi-Soviet Pact?
3.06. Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in September 1939?
Chapter 4. Key Question 4: Who was to blame for the Cold War?: 4.01. Why did the USA-USSR alliance begin to break down in 1945?
4.02. How had the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe by 1948?
4.03. How did the USA react to Soviet expansionism?
4.04. What were the consequences of the Berlin Blockade? 4.05. Who was the more to blame for starting the Cold War: the USA or the USSR?
Chapter 5. Key Question 5: How effectively did the USA contain the spread of Communism?: 5.01. Case Study 1: America and events in Korea, 1950-1953
5.02. Case Study 2: America and events in Cuba, 1959-1962
5.03. Case Study 3: American involvement in Vietnam
Chapter 6. Key Question 6: How secure was the USSR's control over Eastern Europe, 1948-c.1989?: 6.01. Why was there opposition to Soviet control in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968, and how did the USSR react to this opposition?
6.02. How similar were events in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968?
6.03. Why was the Berlin Wall built in 1961?
6.04. What was the significance of 'Solidarity' in Poland for the decline of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe?
6.05. How far was Gorbachev personally responsible for the collapse of Soviet control over Eastern Europe?
Chapter 7. Key Question 7: Why did events in the Gulf matter, c.1970-2000?: 7.01. Why was Saddam Hussein able to come to power in Iraq?
7.02. What was the nature of Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq?
7.03. Why was there a revolution in Iran in 1979?
7.04. What were the causes and consequences of the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-88?
7.05. Why did the First Gulf War take place?
Chapter 8. Preparing for assessment
Section B: Depth Studies: Chapter 9. The First World War 1914-18: 9.01. Why was the war not over by December 1914?
9.02. Why was there stalemate on the Western Front?
9.03. How important were other fronts?
9.04. Why did Germany ask for an armistice in 1918?
Chapter 10. Germany 1914-45: 10.01. Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?
10.02. Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934?
10.03. How effective was Nazi control of Germany 1933–45?
10.04. What was it like to live in Nazi Germany?
Chapter 11. Russia 1905-41: 11.01. Why did the Tsarist regime collapse in 1917?
11.02. How did the Bolsheviks gain power, and how did they consolidate their rule?
11.03. How did Stalin gain and hold on to power?
11.04. What was the impact of Stalin's economic policies?
Chapter 12. The USA 1919-41: 12.01. How far did the US economy boom in the 1920s?
12.02. How far did US society change in the 1920s?
12.03. What were the causes and consequences of the Wall Street Crash of 1929?
12.04. How successful was the New Deal?
Chapter 13. Preparing for assessment

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