
My blog was created to give parents some extra advice about how to approach the homeschooling lifestyle and is a very personal journey that I am still walking with my youngest one, as my elder children have successfully completed high school.

The blogs are written from all the research I have done over the years and from personal experience. I trust they will be of value to you and assist you in your growth and journey as a homeschooling parent.

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Teaching your kids English at home.

Teaching your kids English at home.

Many parents would like to teach their children English at home, but don’t know how to start. Read our suggestions to find out! By Jo Blackmore, LearnEnglish Kids team How do I start teaching my kids English at home? Many parents would like to teach their children...

Stepping into Cape Town

Stepping into Cape Town

As I woke up in the beautiful Mother city this morning to present a seminar on Cambridge, Father showed me this picture of resting. Something I clearly need! Something we all need. The message is not just off resting and slowing down but resting at His feet and...

Identify Your Child’s Learning Style With This Quick Quiz!

Identify Your Child’s Learning Style With This Quick Quiz!

Identify Your Child's Learning Style With This Quick Quiz!Do you know what style of learning your child responds to best?Life would be a breeze if studying was as simple as sitting your child in a quiet corner with a book they need to learn.But life isn't THAT...



A great big hearty welcome to all our users.  I am Shanelle da Costa, a homeschooling parent of 3 children.  My eldest 25, my middle child 18 and my youngest 11.  Yes, I clearly had nothing to do with the planning!  My eldest daughter obtained her Civil Engineering...

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